Monday, March 8, 2010

The Trails

What is he so excited about?

Could it be my yummy blueberry multigrain pancakes?

or his tasty Omelet with I forget what all stuffed inside?

Biscuits and Gravy... Yummm!

The trails is a little place in a strip mall that has really good breakfast food. I am assuming Lunch and Dinner are good too, but we always go for breakfast.

I highly recommend the Elvis Lives which are two banana and choc chip pancakes topped with peanut butter. To truly honor Elvis you'll want some of their really good bacon. I have only had better bacon once in my life and that was in Solvang.

They make really good pancakes and it has a nice vibe going on. I've never been there without having to wait, but the line moves quickly and everyone is very friendly.

Monday, March 1, 2010

La Capilla- Los Angeles finally

Finally, my first LA area restaurant. Now I knwo we all know and love La Capilla so I thought I would tochoose them for my first restaurant in "LA"

The Menu: Note Free Meal on your birthday!

The tortilla soup. All veggies and yumminess. A must try.

The mini tostada. It is huge. I <3 it!

Taco/Chile Rellano Plate. I've never tried them but they were deemed pretty good by Eric, so we'll embrace that as a glowing recommendation.

And last but not least, the flan. A tasty treat to be sure.